Paul Johnston Memorial Award

1. Scientist under 35 years of age on 1st January of the year following the Australian Barley Technical Symposium.
2. Originality/Innovation of research
3. Scientific merit
4. Presentation – content and manner
5. Industry impact and
6. Knowledge of the Australian barley industry

Judging for the award will be conducted by a panel nominated by the Trust and may include interviews with the candidates at the Symposium. The winner will receive $5000 + GST from the Paul Johnston Memorial Trust, towards travel and registration at an appropriate international conference approved by the Trust. Travel undertaken is expected to include additional visits to Centres of Excellence and/or with prominent scientists in a relevant discipline. Travel is to be undertaken within 2 years of receipt of the Award.

The winner is required to submit a travel itinerary to the Paul Johnston Memorial Trust for approval before monies will be paid and the Trust is to receive a written report of the travel undertaken under the Award within 120 days of the awardee’s return to Australia.

All applicants will need to be registered to attend the conference, doing a presentation (either oral or elevator pitch) and be present at the conference dinner on Thursday 25th August to accept the award.

Please email your application addressing the selection criteria and  a copy of your CV to Applications close on 5pm Monday 14th August.